Request Your Ride

Request your ride easily now with taxicol services, Enjoy your trip, only

Request Ride Arrive

About Us

Taxicol is an app for car request to deliver you to any destination that you want, you can easily book your car and start your trip with safety and affordable prices.

Register Now!

Our Tarrifs

Specified car categories with fixed prices to suit all favors and modes, you can choose your category and get the expected price for your trip.

Choose Your Car


Daily Trips

2500-3000 DZD



4500-5500 DZD


Family Trips

3500-4500 DZD

Our App Features

Saved Places

you can save the most frequently places to go, so can get it quickly.

Payment Methods

you can choose from multiple payment methods

Easy Booking

Request your ride easily from now or schedule it

App Screens

mobile screen

Our Apps

Check our driver app, be one of Taxicol family and earn money easily from now!

Download the App